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Other Repositories

Several other automata repositories have been set up by others:

  • AutomatArk: The goal of this GitHub repository, which is being maintained by Loris D'Antoni, is to collect benchmark problems for different models of automata, transducers, and related logics. In particular, the repository contains many NFA/DFA models.
  • RERS: The Rigorous Examination of Reactive Systems (RERS) challenges [RERS].are a series of program analysis challenges that aim to evaluate the effectiveness of different software verification techniques. Benchmarks of previous challenges are still available via the website.
  • StaMinA: The State Machine Inference Approaches (StaMinA) competition extended Abbadingo, and focused on the complexity of learning with respect to the alphabet size [StaMinA]. It relied on an adapted algorithm for generating benchmark DFAs, and aimed encouraged cross-fertilization between the machine learning and software engineering communities. The competition is closed, but the website still hosts all of its benchmarks, a total of 100. Each benchmark contains a sample of positive and negative strings generated randomly by a DFA. The problems vary in terms of their difficulty, related to the size of the alphabet and the sparsity of the sample.