- Model images should be included as svg. Not png nor jpg, because svg is vector graphics and that allow you to easily zoom and keeping the drawing perfect.
- I prefer to use the compressed svgz format instead of svg.
To make svgz from svg do on linux :
gzip -c model.svg > model.svgz
- Before the image we put an anchor so we can refer to it from the text. Note that we put the anchor before the image and not in the label because when following the anchor link and we
would have putten the anchor in the label the we would see the label at the top of the page and to see the image itself we would to need to scroll up.
- we use standard pmwiki syntax to include an image
- however I made a custom iconlinks directive with which you can add icons to the image description label for easy downloading the image in different possible formats. You only need to specify
the basename of the image and the downloadable types by extension.
%center% %apply=img width=600px% Attach:model_ABP_output.svgz | '''Fig. 2:''' SUT Model : ABP output (:iconlinks name=model_ABP_output ext=pdf,svgz,xml:)
convert uppaal model
- export to eps => model.eps
- epstopdf model.eps => model.pdf
- choice between svg vector graphics or png bitmap: svg preferred on websites today above png
inkscape --without-gui --export-plain-svg=out.svg model.pdf ==> better than pdf2svg command on ubuntu!!
IMPORTANT: need inkscape version=>0.91 (older inkscape versions forgot to add viewbox)
convert -density 300 model.pdf PNG8:model.png
`-> dpi for printable documents => also needed if you want text to remain readable in image (after optional zoom in!!)
note: in web browser the screen resolution is 96 dpi anyway
so even if image has 300 dpi resolution the text gets blurred when viewing it
however if zooming in the image the text is not blurred because it is 300 dpi!!
=> also needed to support nice browser zoom in to image=> text still readable!!!
=> NEED 300 dpi otherwise text very uggly!!