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Edit Bibliography

Automata wiki supports citing publications in a Bibliography, and it supports two different Bibliographies:

the main Bibliography
for general literature about Learning and Testing
per benchmark a Bibliography
for literature specific for the benchmark


To cite a publication in the current benchmark's Bibliography use :

[((bibcite <identifier>))]

were <identifier> should be replaced by the identifier of the publication. You can also select the identifier text and the press the "Cite to local Bibliography" button in the editor.

To cite a publication in the main benchmark's Bibliography use :

[((bibcite <identifier> /Bibliography))]

You can also select the identifier text and the press the "Cite to global Bibliography" button in the editor.
Example: [ARP13]

Next to publications you can also refer to websites or other information related to a benchmark. For example see the FWGC Benchmark's Bibliography where the Bibliography contains a link to the website containing an implementatiion of FWGC.

Create a Bibliography

To create a Bibliography just make a page with a definition list where the term being defined is the publication identifier and the definition describes the publication. An easy way is to select the text of the term to be defined and the press the "Definition list" button in the editor, and then type the definition.

For an example just look at the main Bibliography.

To make it easy to add a new benchmark with publication the automata wiki also creates a Bibliography page from a template which contains an example publication which is being referred from the Description page also created from a template.